Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Manning, The Mything, The Legend that resides in a magical arm who almost lost to a twisted neck

5 years at $96 MILLION for a guy who just missed over a year of football, PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALL, had 1 "minor" neck surgery followed by 2 more "simple" surgeries to do what the first one was supposed to do, then after dealing with the mental hurdle of the entire situation, getting past what could become several different psychological issues, rehab for months and months...


.and that was all BEFORE even picking up a football, then more rehab and training to build back strength etc, then more emotional baggage of the will they/won't they when Colts decided to drag out the decision to the last possible moment before cutting ties with the most important figure in the history of the team, now dealing with the team you've hung in with for your ENTIRE career and who you planned on retiring with, the team that would have swore on a stack of bibles that they would NEVER LET YOU GO SOMEWHERE ELSE, LET ALONE RELEASE YOU if they were asked just 24 months ago, abandoning you and having to find a new team to play the rest of your career with, and figure out who has the best chance to get your a superbowl all the while trying not to be on a team that competes with your brothers giants unless you meet in the big one....... 

So......would you give the man $96 mil based on his impeccable track record before this whole "neck thingie"  or would you figure something else out whether it be another QB, Manning for less money and years or Tebow? If your the Denver decision maker, whats your move?>>>

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